Adultery is one of the facts
commonly used to show irretrievable breakdown of a marriage in support of a
divorce petition. Adultery is
voluntary intercourse between a man and a woman, who are not married to each
other but one or both of them are married.
The Applicant is the person
who applies to the court seeking an order.
This term is used for all applications to the court whether financial
orders or orders concerning children.
A method of dispute
resolution in family proceedings and an alternative to court
proceedings. The parties will appoint
an independent arbitrator whose decision will be final and binding.
Cafcass (include Cafcass
Cafcass stands for Children
and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. Cafcass may be involved with any applications
issued in the court that involve children.
Cafcass assist the court to promote children’s welfare through
A Cafcass officer is a social
worker who may be appointed to a case and if so will be responsible for
talking to the parties, and in some cases the children, and providing the
court with advice and recommendations for the future of the child.
Child Arrangements Order
(include reference to old orders e.g. contact and residence)
A Child Arrangements Order is
a court order which governs when a child will live with a person or spend
time with a person, or any other contact e.g. indirect contact. This catch all term has replaced the
previous concepts of ‘custody’, ‘access’, ‘contact’ and ‘residence’. An application for a Child Arrangements
Order is only necessary if the parties cannot agree arrangements between
Child maintenance (include CSA
& CMS)
Child maintenance is a sum of
money paid by one parent to the parent with main care of the child, to meet
the day to day living expenses of the child.
This can be agreed between the parties themselves.
Alternatively parents can use
the Child Maintenance Service (formerly the Child Support Agency) to
calculate and, if necessary, collect child maintenance payments of their
Clean break
A financial settlement in a
divorce which does not include any ongoing financial obligations between the
parties. Each party’s financial
affairs will then be independent. If
necessary, this can be deferred for example, until after any children have
reached the age of 18 or finished education or the parties reach retirement
An unmarried couple living
together, whether same sex or opposite sex.
Cohabitees do not have any legal rights as a couple. Sometimes the term “common law marriage” is
used to describe cohabitation but this is not a legal concept in the UK and
does not provide any of the legal rights provided by marriage or civil partnership.
Cohabitation Agreement
A cohabitation agreement records
the arrangements between a couple living together as to their financial and
legal responsibilities with each other and what will happen if the
relationship breaks down. A
cohabitation agreement can be particularly important if a couple decide to
purchase property together as cohabiting couples do not have the same legal
rights as married couples.
Collaborative Law
Collaborative law is an
alternative to the traditional adversarial process with solicitors. The parties will use trained collaborative
lawyers, and aim to resolve things through a series of face to face 4 way
(both parties and their lawyers) meetings, rather than going to court. In some cases other experts e.g.
accountants, counsellors and financial advisors may attend the meetings.
Consent order
When parties are going though
court proceedings, they can make agreements between themselves and have it
recorded in a formal court order so that it is binding.
Consent orders are used for a
variety of agreements, from simply changing a hearing date to when parties
have reached a full settlement agreement governing their financial affairs.
Decree absolute
Decree absolute is the final
order in divorce proceedings (called a “final order” for dissolution of a
civil partnership). This means that
the marriage is legally at an end. It
is normally a good idea to finalise your financial affairs before this.
Decree nisi
The first court order in
divorce proceedings entitling the Petitioner to proceed to seeking decree
absolute. The court is satisfied that
the petitioner has established that the marriage has irretrievably broken
Desertion is one of the 5
facts that can be used in support of a divorce. Desertion is quite rarely used and the
Petitioner has to establish the following: a separation, an intention to
desert by the Respondent; no consent to separation by the Petitioner; no just
cause for the Respondent to leave; continuous desertion and immediately
proceeding the petition for divorce.
Enforcement order
If one party breaches a Child
Arrangements Order, the other can apply for an enforcement order which
imposes an unpaid work requirement on the party in breach as punishment.
Fact finding hearing
The court may order a fact
finding hearing in proceedings concerning children if there are allegations
of for example alcohol abuse, drug abuse or physical, sexual, verbal or
emotional domestic abuse. The parties
will give evidence and the court will establish whether any of the
allegations are established and are sufficient to have an impact on the Children
Act proceedings.
First appointment, FDR and
Final Hearing
The first appointment is the
first hearing in financial proceedings in a divorce. At this hearing, the judge will give
directions and decide how the matter will proceed.
The Financial Dispute
Resolution (FDR) hearing is the middle stage of financial proceedings and
aims to direct the parties towards settlement. Each party will make his/her case to a
judge and inform the judge of any offers made. The judge will then give an indication as
to how the court may decide matters at a final hearing and that indication
can guide the parties to settlement.
Further directions can be made towards a final hearing if the parties
are unable to reach a settlement.
If the parties have not been
able to reach an agreement on their finances, the case will have a Final
Hearing before a judge. Each party
will make out their case and call evidence.
The judge will then make a final court order to resolve the parties’
Freezing order
If there is a risk that a
party may dispose of their assets to avoid judgment, the court can make an
order preventing the party from dealing with those assets. This is normally used to preserve that
person’s assets until judgment or final order.
A hearing is when parties
attend court before a judge for a decision on an issue or procedure.
Joint lives order
In financial divorce
proceedings, the court may make an order for payments to a spouse or civil
partner to last until the death of the payee or payer or the remarriage of
the payee.
Judicial Separation
Judicial Separation is an
alternative to divorce. The parties
may not want to divorce for religious or other reasons. Judicial Separation does not formally end
the marriage but formally releases the parties from the obligation to live
together and allows the court to make the same financial orders as it could
on divorce.
Legal Aid
State assistance with legal costs. This is only available in family
proceedings where there is evidence of child abuse or domestic violence or
risk of child abduction. Or mediation if one or both meet the
financial criteria.
Mediation is a dispute
resolution process suitable to a range of family disputes. A trained mediator will meet with the
parties together and aim to help them resolve any issues they cannot agree. A mediator is independent and impartial;
some mediators are legally trained. The
courts now expect parties to consider whether mediation may be appropriate
before they issue proceedings.
Mediation Information and
Assessment Meeting. Before making any
application to the court for family proceedings, in most cases the applicant
must attend a MIAM with an authorised family mediator to consider whether
mediation is suitable for the dispute.
The parties can attend a MIAM together or the applicant can attend
In some circumstances, there
is no requirement to attend a MIAM, for example: where parties have reached
an agreement, urgent or emergency proceedings, or cases with domestic
Non-molestation order
A non-molestation order is a
court order which prohibits a person from violence, harassment and threats by
a particular person. They are commonly
used in cases of domestic violence.
Occupation order
An occupation order grants a
person the right to live in all or part of a home and can exclude another
party from that home. Occupation
orders are mainly used in situations of relationship breakdown where parties
can no longer live together.
Parental responsibility
Parental responsibility means
the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority a parent has in
relation to their child by law. A
child’s mother always has parental responsibility for the child. A father will automatically have parental
responsibility is he is married to the mother at the time of birth or, if his
name is on the birth certificate when the child is born after 1 December
2003. Fathers can also obtain parental
responsibility by court order or other means.
The Petitioner is the person
in the marriage/civil partnership who initiates the divorce/dissolution by
filing a divorce petition at the court.
A prenuptial agreement is
made between a couple before a marriage takes place to set out how couples propose
to manage their finances during the marriage and how matters will be dealt
with if the relationship breaks down. A post-nuptial agreement deals with
these arrangements in circumstances where the parties are already married.
No nuptial agreement can
remove the jurisdiction of the court over such matters and the court will not
uphold one in situations where it is inherently unfair to do so. A court is more likely to uphold the terms
of a nuptial agreement if the parties have entered into the agreement of their
own free will with full and frank disclosure of the circumstances, and
understood the agreement they entered into.
The parties each taking legal advice is good evidence of this.
Prohibited steps order
A prohibited steps order is
an order preventing a person performing certain actions in relation to child,
such as removing the child from someone’s care, changing their name and making
decisions in relation to their healthcare or education.
The Respondent is the party
to a dispute who receives and application or divorce petition. This title is used in all proceedings.
A fact in support of
divorce. The petitioner can rely on 2
years separation if the parties both agree to divorce. If the parties do not agree to divorce then
the petitioner will have to rely on 5 years separation.
Separation Agreement
When parties separate, but
one or both are not ready to proceed to the finality of a divorce, they can
choose to enter into a formal agreement governing the terms of their
separation. The agreement may set out
how the couple’s finances, property and children are to be dealt with at
present and on divorce. The
arrangement may not be binding on the court when considering the parties
needs at a later date, if you want certainty of arrangements the best option
is to divorce and a consent order approved by the court.
Specific issue order
A specific issue order (SIO) is
an order to resolve a particular dispute in proceedings regarding
children. It allows the court to
decide on an issue where those with parental responsibility cannot
agree. SIO’s can cover a range of
issues including medical treatment, education, passports and relocation.
Spousal maintenance
In financial proceedings in a
divorce, the parties may agree or the court may order for regular payments to
be made by one spouse to another if the judge feels he/she cannot support him/herself
independently. The level of the
payments is determined by need. Maintenance
may be capitalised and paid in a lump sum or in regular payments for a length
of time.
Unreasonable behaviour
One of the five facts
available in support of a divorce is “behaviour that the other party cannot
reasonably be expected to live with.” Commonly called “unreasonable behaviour”
this can cover a range of different behaviours. It is sensible to give 4-5
examples to prove irretrievable breakdown of the marriage and try and agree
the particulars in advance to avoid the cost of a defended divorce or
amending the petition.
Family Law Glossary
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